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If Anger grows in one’s mind, then there is a full chance of having destruction into one’s life. Whether it may be the person who shows anger or the person who bear it. Whatever it is, the thing is, to become a successful and good people, we should have control on anger as possible as. If you can’t control anger, somehow you may have to bear for the mistake you have done by breaking the heart and feelings of the other person. Anger is the feeling which makes your mouth work faster than your mind.

It is often seen among the friends, partners, husband-wife, boss and employee, parents and children, etc. Someone said that “Make your anger so expensive that no one can afford it and make your smile so cheap that people can get it for almost free.

You all will be agreeing to this that, at some point, we all express anger somehow and shouts on another person without thinking and understanding the real story behind it.

Do you know, for every minute you remain angry, you give up your 60 seconds of peace of mind. Anger is the biggest enemy. If you control it, you will win the battle of life, because, everything can be handled by self, but person’s anger is that monster who takes a person back in the dark. Even many relations are too destroyed by this. It is true that, where there is Anger, there is Ego. The examples are around you to learn from. In today’s date, there are many cases of ending a relationship, in which mostly because of Ego and anger.

It is very difficult to deal with the anger of a person. Well, in this case, the person who shows anger often becomes the enemy to others. Some person gets angry and punishes themselves with the mistakes of others. This is the next side of anger. One where a person living with anger and ego and on the other side a person dealing with anger and hurt self just because some other person has made a mistake.

Dealing with anger-

It is advised that don’t live your life with anger and hurt in your heart, by this you are hurting yourself only, more than the people you hate. Holding anger within you is like grasping a hot coal with the intention of throwing it at someone else, but keep in mind that you are the one who burned. When you get angry, just express your anger on the paper by writing what you feel, instead of on a person who can be hurt by your words.   Although, it is not possible to think before speaking because anger is more powerful than the mind. Work on making your heart and mind one, so that at least you will have the power to fight with anger.

Listen to music, if you feel that you cannot hold yourself, I am sure you will forget all your anger and feel good by listening to your loved song. Practice some relaxing mind exercises to have control over your anger. Watch something which you like the most- like comedy or reading a storybook. Practice positive self-talk, which will give you so much relaxation. Self-talk is the best medicine of anger, because when say what you feel for yourself, sometimes it shows your mistake and to deal with it, while on the other hand your problem also gets solved as well of shouting over someone.

Try to hold the person easy when you are angry, don’t shout at, just like that. When we are angry, we often last out at others with action or words. Anger is a problem between if you or people around you are getting hurt. While we are angry we need to remember to deal with it in a safe way rather become aggressive. Learn to communicate how we are feeling in a way, which isn’t hurtful.

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