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Water is about 71 per cent of the Earth’s surface. For centuries, we have found several things under the water like sunken ships to missing planes and even the treasure of old have been found under. We are the water that may be drowned hundreds and thousands of years ago. The things which haven’t been discussed yet is the strangest things found underwater.

Strange Things Found Underwater

Here we will talk about some weird things that were found deep underwater over the years that will absolutely blow your mind. Read and know 10 weird things found underwater that is totally astonishing.

Ancient Computer

This ancient computer named as the Antikythera Mechanism of around the year 1900. This mechanism was believed to be the earliest type of computer and it was the analogue computer that was used to foresee astronomical positions as well as eclipses, currently, the mechanism is placed in the National Archeological Museum in Athens as the display.  It is also believed that this type of technology was not reappeared in the historical artefacts from Europe. There were also found some of the modern and sophisticated technology inside.

Stonehenge In Lake Michigan

In the year 2007, one of the professors who study the underwater archaeology along with his friend went out on Lake Michigan taking sonar readings when they found a stone arrangement which was circular in shape. They were arranged like vertical pillars in 40 feet of water, as similar as those of Stonehenge in England.  

One more strange creature mastodon, which is a large elephant like a mammal and is very much extinct. It is stated that the mastodon has been extinct for 10 to 11 thousand years.  Although, it is still a mystery as to how this underwater arrangement of stone got there and for what purpose it was built and why it looks so similar to Stonehenge.

Underwater River in the Black Sea

Do you know that at the4 bottom of the Black Sea there is another river that is flowing, having the entire ecosystem and waterfalls also.  Well, it’s quite shocking that how can it be possible that a water body is running inside the other water body. I can understand that it is actually confusing, but it is actually occurring because the inside river water is much saltier and therefore denser than the Black Sea water.  Due to this high rate of salinity of the river water allows it to flow through the sea at a fast speed by creating river banks.  Whereas, it is also estimated that the river’s large volume makes it the 6th largest river in the world.

Treasure Of Emeralds

In 2010, Jay Miscovich of Key West, Florida bought a treasure map from a friend. By profession, he was a part-time treasure hunter and amateur diver. For discovering a multimillion-dollar fortune in emeralds up inside the Gulf of Florida. Although the exact origin of the emeralds was unknown to everyone, they got success in 1 hour.  The huge amount of jewels recovered created a lot of media attention and this eventually also caused the Federal Government to get involved. Later in 2013, because of too much debt and stress, he committed suicide.

Ancient City Of Alexandria

One of the amazing things found underwater is the ancient Egyptian city of Alexandria. They discovered marble floors, along with columns, basins, blocks of dressed limestone, statues of Egyptian divinities and walls which are believed to be the part of the palace. The divers also find a dark-grey granite sphinx also some important religious statue that was not seen by anyone 2000 years. It is believed that the city went under water because of several natural disasters, like rising water and earthquakes.

Black Smokers

They just a chimney like fountains occurred under the water when the magma and seawater meet. These strangest things found underwater at most of the places in the oceans. The hydrothermal vents are almost a hot spring type that spits out the water and fluids reaching 370 degrees Celsius or higher. These are named Black Smoker because of the colour of heir iron sulfide deposits. But the northernmost location was found in 2008 in the Arctic Circle between Norway and Greenland.  One of the mysterious things found underwater, whose theory of discovering these vents in that is an area is unpredictable.

Pirate Ships and Gunnery

In 1718, the legendary pirate known as Blackbeard was forced to sink his ship when it was stranded in shallow water off the coast of Beaufort. Thereafter, in 1966, the ruins of Queen Anne’s Revenge were discovered in the water. In 2013, the North Carolina’s Department of Cultural Resources taken out the big guns, a set of cannons from the depth, that was weighing about more than 2000 pounds. Surprisingly, over 20 different cannons have been recovered so far with a recovery set to conclude in 2014.

World War II Silver

The weirdest things found underwater that in 2011, tons of silver coins were discovered by the Deep Ocean Search, which was sunk in the year  1942 by German U-boat. It was sunk to more than 16800 feet under the surface until it discovered.  The boat was carrying 296 civilians and cargo which includes 100 tons of silver with them. The City of Cairo used to bring silver rupees from India to England as part of the war effort. 

Blue Sink Hole

Next strangest things found underwater, one marine biologist claim to discover a huge underwater sinkhole. This is generally known as a blue hole which is situated in The Great Barrier Reef. Basically, these sinkholes are the marine hole that mostly formed during past ice ages when sea levels were much lower. They were just the result of erosion from rain and chemical weathering. Later get submerged and left the deep blue caverns.

Bimini Road, Bahamas

The Bahamas is a very popular tourist-attracting in itself because of its natural beauty and a wonderful beach view. And one more famous attraction for tourists here is Bimini Road, which is an underwater path. This road was discovered in 1930. No one knows the origin of this ocean feature, but many believe that it is a path leading to the lost city of Atlantis. It has been mentioned in different mystery pieces for the Bimini Road on Unexplained Mysteries, Unsolved Mysteries in the World and more. The origin of the theories included the Egyptian divine protectors, the path to Atlantis.

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